Boys at the stadium

Boys at the stadium


Thursday, 26 February 2015

Feel Good Moment

Okay, so I was just giving Boston a bottle before his nap only about 20 minutes ago, and rocking him to sleep when I happened to take a look down and this is what I saw:

AHHHHHHHH!!!! Oh my God what are those, they’re hideous, they are ugly, is it alive??? Oh, wait. . . those are just my toe nails L

I know its winter and no one see’s them but I decided I had to remedy this disaster ASAP and I wanted to share with you all how quick it is- it literally took me 15 minutes, to give your toenails a bit of a face lift. Plus after you’re done you will have this little secret about how great your toes look hidden inside your socks and boots in the middle of winter!  I know how hard it is to sometimes find time to do things like paint your nails or (if you look at the picture above) cut them. . .or file them. . . .

Anyway, for my own mental health and to make an effort to show that I sometimes have my s#$t together I cut, filed and painted my toenails while Boston had a nap and my two other boys demolished the ‘wasn’t so clean anyway’ basement!

I used Sally Hansen Insta Dry nail polish in Sonic Bloom- I know awesome name, right- I think that’s why I probably bought it whenever I did. If you are a mom, or just someone who is really busy I would totally recommend the Insta Dry- it takes no time at all and now- after 15 minutes of cutting, filing and painting I can look down and say: “oh yeah, I got my s*#t together, look at those feet- those are the toenails of someone who is ready to take world by the collar and say I’m here!”

And you know what- it feels really nice to say that J So take the 15 minutes and you can too go the rest of the day feeling somewhat put together-even if you haven’t brushed your hair yet!
Boston’s up from his micro nap so. . .
Take Care All!

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